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Chinese-Hungarian dictionary

Chinese-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Chinese dictionary
18613 Words
33182 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
480 matches in 19 dictionaries.
orthographe pétrine de 1708
bleu pétroleadj
exploration pétrolièrenoun
industrie pétrolièrenoun
baril de pétrolenoun
extraction du pétrolenoun
gisement de pétrolenoun
nappe de pétrolenoun
Organisation des pays arabes exportateurs de pétrole
petnoun USA: pe't UK: pet
petalnoun USA: pe'tʌ·l UK: petl
petaledadj UK: petld
petalledadj UK: petld
petardnoun USA: pʌ·tɔ'd UK: pɪtɑd
pet-cocknoun UK: petkɔk
pet dogexp USA: pe't dɔː'g UK: pet dɔg
Petenoun proper name USA: piː't UK: piːt
Peternoun USA: piː'təː· UK: piːtər
peter outv USA: piː'təː· aʊ't UK: piːtər aʊt
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