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Chinese-Hungarian dictionary

Chinese-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Chinese dictionary
18613 Words
33182 Translations
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500 matches in 12 dictionaries. Details
backcross generationexp UK: bækkrɔs ʤenəreɪʃn
back doornoun USA: bæ'k dɔː'r UK: bæk dɔːr
back doorexp USA: bæ'k dɔː'r UK: bæk dɔːr
back dooradv USA: bæ'k dɔː'r UK: bæk dɔːr
back-door intentexp USA: bæ'kdɔː"r ɪ"nte'nt UK: bækdɔːr ɪntent
back downv intrans v USA: bæ'k daʊ'n UK: bæk daʊn
backdropnoun USA: bæ'kdrɔ"p UK: bækdrɔp
backedadj USA: bæ'kt UK: bækt
backed sawexp USA: bæ'kt sɔː' UK: bækt sɔː
back-endnoun UK: bækend
back-end networkexp UK: bækend netwəːk
backernoun USA: bæ'kəː· UK: bækər
back-fieldnoun USA: bæ'kfiː"ld UK: bækfiːld
back-firenoun USA: bæ'kfaɪ"r UK: bækfaɪər
backfirev intrans v USA: bæ'kfaɪ"r UK: bækfaɪər
backgammonnoun USA: bæ'kgæ"mʌ·n UK: bækgæmən
backgammon boardnoun USA: bæ'kgæ"mʌ·n bɔː'rd UK: bækgæmən bɔːd
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