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hun-ita, 147003 words, 259 members
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hun-eng, 112503 words, 1,121 member
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eng-ger, 105192 words, 413 members
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ita-hun, 96538 words, 259 members


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life link's picture
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MiltonMinion's picture

MiltonMinion replied on place to bet:

Your passion for this subject the icehouse phoenix really shines through in your writing.

2024/04/21 - 10:46
MiltonMinion's picture

MiltonMinion replied on Do my homework, please:

Every time I visit your la fontana della citta blog, I learn something new.

2024/04/21 - 10:45
MiltonMinion's picture

MiltonMinion replied on alles ist schiefgegangen:

Fantastic breakdown moonshine mountain of a complex topic, well done.

2024/04/21 - 10:45
MiltonMinion's picture

MiltonMinion replied on Best gifts:

I'm bookmarking this for bar pitti future reference, so much value!

2024/04/21 - 10:42
priyankasharma1's picture
2024/04/20 - 19:06
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous wants to add the word 'proprioception ' to the English-Hungarian dictionary.

2024/04/20 - 14:04
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous would like to modify the word 'építész' in the Hungarian-Italian dictionary.

2024/04/20 - 10:03
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous wants to add the word 'Bulle' to the German-Hungarian dictionary.

2024/04/20 - 09:39
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous wants to add the word 'easy-peasy' to the English-Hungarian dictionary.

2024/04/19 - 21:50
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous wants to add the word ' Schraubenzuführung' to the German-Hungarian dictionary.

2024/04/19 - 21:35
dordle12's picture

dordle12 replied on I want to develop my business:

The forum content you supplied with me has provided me with a large quantity of beneficial knowledge. I sincerely hope you will begin providing updates more frequently. vex...

2024/04/19 - 06:03
dordle12's picture

dordle12 replied on I want to develop my business:

The forum content you supplied with me has provided me with a large quantity of beneficial knowledge. I sincerely hope you will begin providing updates more frequently. vex...

2024/04/19 - 06:02
dordle12's picture

dordle12 replied on Supplements without side effects:

This article is extremely inspiring. I am quite satisfied with the quality of your work. You have provided extremely useful information. scribble io

2024/04/19 - 05:57
jonasnielsen080's picture

jonasnielsen080 replied on cinnamon stick:

Canon ij printer is a complete solution for multiple works that you can easily learn to set up from ij.start.canon/connect and get a better experience. This is the...

2024/04/18 - 16:14
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous wants to add the word 'Handmeda with British oats' to the Bővített Magyar-Angol szótár.

2024/04/18 - 14:35