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hun-ita, 147003 words, 259 members
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hun-eng, 112503 words, 1,121 member
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eng-ger, 105192 words, 413 members
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ita-hun, 96538 words, 259 members


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SophiaCamil7's picture

SophiaCamil7 replied on Games:

la herramienta “Calcular RFC” facilita la obtención de tu RFC con homoclave en México. Tome su nombre, apellido del padre, apellido de la madre (si tiene uno) y fecha de nacimiento, siga un proceso...

2024/04/23 - 11:50
townlibrarian's picture

townlibrarian replied on New technologies in old games:

That' sound so interesting!
snow rider

2024/04/23 - 11:19
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous wants to add the word 'toni magyarúl' to the Hungarian-English dictionary.

2024/04/23 - 06:53
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous wants to add the word 'self-motivated' to the English-Hungarian dictionary.

2024/04/22 - 20:39
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous wants to add the word 'action-oriented' to the English-Hungarian dictionary.

2024/04/22 - 20:36
daniel3112's picture
2024/04/22 - 16:56
Eustace Oliver's picture

Eustace Oliver replied on Professions' role in leveling?:

A szakmák az online játékokban fontos szerepet játszanak a karakter felpumpálásában, meghatározzák a képességeit, készségeit és képességeit. Néhányuk, mint például a kézművesség...

2024/04/22 - 12:27
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous wants to add the word 'hordozható készülék' to the Hungarian-Polish dictionary.

2024/04/22 - 10:32
Anonymous's picture

Anonymous wants to add the word 'légúti megbetegedés' to the Hungarian-English dictionary.

2024/04/22 - 10:22
2024/04/22 - 00:02
daray's picture

daray replied on Professions' role in leveling?:

Sharing of information is excellent. Thanks for providing us with the opportunity to read this post; I'm glad I did. extremely nice This article is very helpful.

2024/04/21 - 21:03
MiltonMinion's picture

MiltonMinion replied on Professions' role in leveling?:

I appreciate the effort f&w schmitt's family farm you put into researching this.

2024/04/21 - 10:47
MiltonMinion's picture

MiltonMinion replied on place to bet:

Your passion for this subject the icehouse phoenix really shines through in your writing.

2024/04/21 - 10:46
MiltonMinion's picture

MiltonMinion replied on Do my homework, please:

Every time I visit your la fontana della citta blog, I learn something new.

2024/04/21 - 10:45
MiltonMinion's picture

MiltonMinion replied on alles ist schiefgegangen:

Fantastic breakdown moonshine mountain of a complex topic, well done.

2024/04/21 - 10:45