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English-Albanian Dictionary

English-Albanian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Etleva
Reverse dictionary: Albanian-English Dictionary
29 Words
30 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
matches in the
hedonismnoun USA: hiː'dʌ·nɪ"zʌ·m UK: hiːdənɪzəm
hedonisticadj USA: hiː"dʌ·nɪ'stɪ·k UK: hiːdənɪstɪk
heebie-jeebiesnoun noun
heednoun USA: hiː'd UK: hiːd
heedv trans v USA: hiː'd UK: hiːd
heedv trans v USA: hiː'd UK: hiːd
heedfuladj UK: hiːdfəl
hee-hawnoun UK: hiːhɔː
heelv trans v USA: hiː'l UK: hiːl
heelv intrans v USA: hiː'l UK: hiːl
heel boyexp USA: hiː'l bɔɪ' UK: hiːl bɔɪ
heftv trans v USA: he'ft
heftyadj USA: he'ftiː· UK: heftiː
hegemonynoun USA: hiː·ʤe'mʌ·niː· UK: hɪgeməniː
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