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English-Albanian Dictionary

English-Albanian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Etleva
Reverse dictionary: Albanian-English Dictionary
29 Words
30 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
matches in the
heating elementnoun USA: hiː'tɪ·ŋ e'lʌ·mʌ·nt UK: hiːtɪŋ elɪmənt
heating facilitiesexp USA: hiː'tɪ·ŋ fʌ·sɪ'lʌ·tiː·z UK: hiːtɪŋ fəsɪlɪtɪz
heatproof dishexp
heat-wavenoun UK: hiːtweɪv
heavenoun USA: hiː'v UK: hiːv
heavev trans v USA: hiː'v UK: hiːv
heave 2.exp
heavennoun USA: he'vʌ·n UK: hevn
heavenlyadj USA: he'vʌ·nliː· UK: hevnliː
heavenly bodynoun USA: he'vʌ·nliː· bɔ'diː· UK: hevnliː bɔdiː
heavensnoun USA: he'vʌ·nz UK: hevnz
heavens!noun USA: he'vʌ·nz UK: hevnz
heaven-sentadj UK: hevnsent
heavenwardadv UK: hevnwəd
heavenwardsadv UK: hevnwədz
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