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Missa88 Tudástára

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Missa88
Reverse dictionary: Missa88 Tudástára
0 Words
0 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
123 matches in 8 dictionaries.
Mayotte (yt)undef
May she be ever so beautiful.undef
You may as well own up.undef
That may be so.undef
It may be too late.undef
I may be wrongundef
He may come tomorrow.undef
He may have done it.undef
This may have serious consequences.undef
What may he have imagined?undef
This may not be exactly nice, but it is useful.undef
whereever he may beundef
Your day may come.undef
A beggar may sing before a pick-pocket.undef
If I may so express myself.undef
as the case may beundef
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