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Missa88 Tudástára

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Missa88 Tudástára
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167 matches in 18 dictionaries.
luggage vannoun USA: lʌ'gʌ·ʤ væ'n UK: lʌgɪʤ væn
luggedv UK: lʌgd
lugubriousadj USA: luː·gyuː'briː·ʌ·s UK: ləguːbrɪəs
cabin luggageexp USA: kæ'bʌ·n lʌ'gʌ·ʤ UK: kæbɪn lʌgɪʤ
hand luggagenoun USA: hæ'nd lʌ'gʌ·ʤ UK: hænd lʌgɪʤ
personal luggageexp USA: pəː'sʌ·nʌ·l lʌ'gʌ·ʤ UK: pəːsənl lʌgɪʤ
left luggage lockersexp USA: le'ft lʌ'gʌ·ʤ lɔ'kəː·z UK: left lʌgɪʤ lɔkəz
lug a heavy case aroundundef
luggage compartmentundef
luggage depositundef
luggage inspectionundef
luggage lockerundef
luggage officeundef
luggage rackundef
luggage receiptundef
luggage vanundef
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