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words, phrases

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
I am anonymous user in this dictionary
Administrator of the dictionary: boldizsar
Reverse dictionary: szavak, kifejezések
2 Words
2 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
504 matches in 3 dictionaries.
more generalundef
more generousundef
more gentleundef
more gentlemanlyundef
more ghostlyundef
more giftedundef
more girlishundef
more glaringundef
more gloomyundef
more gloriousundef
more gossipyundef
more graciousundef
more granularundef
more gratefulundef
more greedyundef
more groomedundef
more grotesqueundef
more gruellingundef
more hard heartedundef
more harmfulundef
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