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English-Hungarian invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: szegedi88
Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-m-a
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8 matches in 4 dictionaries. Details
    1. wallop
      USA: wɔ'lʌ·p UK: wɔləp
    1. roll down
      USA: roʊ'l daʊ'n UK: roʊl daʊn
    1. slang US put over
      USA: pʊ't oʊ'vəː· UK: pʊt oʊvər
    1. mop up
      USA: mɔ'p ʌ'p UK: mɔp ʌp
    1. US hammer
      USA: hæ'məː· UK: hæmər
    1. face down
      USA: feɪ's daʊ'n UK: feɪs daʊn
ne akarj lehengerelniexp
    1. figurative sopraffare
    1. figurative soppressare
    1. Tuscan stiacciare
    1. figurative sopraffatto
érvekkel lehengerelundef
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