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Fransızca-Türkçe Sözlük

French-Turkish invite only and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: boracasli
Reverse dictionary: Türkçe-Fransızca Sözlük
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0 Expressions
473 matches in 18 dictionaries.
buttarsi davanti aundef
buttarsi distesoundef
    1. ágyba stb. ledől
buttarsi giùundef
buttarsi in acquaundef
butteroundef búttero
  1. Tuscan
    1. a Maremma vidékén lovas pásztor
acido butirricoundef
    1. fél pár cipő
butla gazowaundef
butypl noun
buty do biegów narciarskichundef
buty narciarskieundef
    1. síbakancs sícipő
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