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French-Hungarian dictionary

French-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-French dictionary
22850 Words
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matches in the
run aboutv intrans v USA: rʌ'n ʌ·baʊ't UK: rʌn əbaʊt
scamper aboutexp USA: skæ'mpəː· ʌ·baʊ't UK: skæmpər əbaʊt
scour aboutv intrans v USA: skaʊ'r ʌ·baʊ't UK: skaʊər əbaʊt
see aboutv trans v USA: siː' ʌ·baʊ't UK: siː əbaʊt
set aboutv trans v USA: se't ʌ·baʊ't UK: set əbaʊt
shift aboutv trans v USA: ʃɪ'ft ʌ·baʊ't UK: ʃɪft əbaʊt
slack aboutv USA: slæ'k ʌ·baʊ't UK: slæk əbaʊt
sniff aboutexp USA: snɪ'f ʌ·baʊ't UK: snɪf əbaʊt
stand aboutv intrans v USA: stæ'nd ʌ·baʊ't UK: stænd əbaʊt
stir aboutv intrans v USA: stəː' ʌ·baʊ't UK: stəːr əbaʊt
talk aboutv intrans v USA: tɔː'k ʌ·baʊ't UK: tɔːk əbaʊt
talk aboutv intrans v USA: tɔː'k ʌ·baʊ't UK: tɔːk əbaʊt
tear aboutv intrans v USA: tɪ'r ʌ·baʊ't UK: tɪər əbaʊt
tell aboutexp USA: te'l ʌ·baʊ't UK: tel əbaʊt
tell aboutv intrans v USA: te'l ʌ·baʊ't UK: tel əbaʊt
tell aboutv intrans v USA: te'l ʌ·baʊ't UK: tel əbaʊt
think aboutexp USA: θɪ'ŋk ʌ·baʊ't UK: θɪŋk əbaʊt
think aboutv USA: θɪ'ŋk ʌ·baʊ't UK: θɪŋk əbaʊt
thinking aboutexp USA: θɪ'ŋkʌ·ŋ ʌ·baʊ't UK: θɪŋkɪŋ əbaʊt
thrash aboutv intrans v USA: θræ'ʃ ʌ·baʊ't UK: θræʃ əbaʊt
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