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French-Hungarian extra dictionary

French-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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42649 Words
44057 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
480 matches in 19 dictionaries. Details
non darti penaundef
finire di penareundef
deviazione del pendoloundef
muoversi a pendoloundef
orologio a pendoloundef
cumulo delle peneundef
frenulo del peneundef
da che parte pende la bilanciaundef
  1. figurative gen
m penaltynoun Eng
pencherv intrans v
pencherv trans v
  1. figurative old
m pendagenoun
    1. rétegé, telepé dőlés
f pendaisonnoun
pendantadv informal
f pendeloquenoun
  1. informal
m pendentifnoun
  1. arch
f penderienoun
    1. akasztókkal ruhásszekrény
  1. bőrgyártás ind
pendillerv intrans v
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