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Csengus szótára

Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Csenge's vocabulary
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matches in the
heifernoun USA: he'fəː· UK: hefər
heifer dennoun USA: he'fəː· de'n UK: hefər den
heightnoun USA: haɪ't UK: haɪt
heightenv intrans v USA: haɪ'tʌ·n UK: haɪtn
heightenv trans v USA: haɪ'tʌ·n UK: haɪtn
heightened colourexp UK: haɪtnd kʌlər
heinousadj USA: heɪ'nʌ·s UK: heɪnəs
heirnoun USA: e'r UK: eər
heir apparentnoun USA: e'r ʌ·pe'rʌ·nt UK: eər əpærənt
heirloomnoun USA: e'rluː"m UK: eəluːm
heirs and assignsexp USA: e'rz ʌ·nd ʌ·saɪ'nz UK: eəz ənd əsaɪnz
heirshipnoun UK: eəʃɪp
heistv trans v USA: haɪ'st
heldv USA: he'ld UK: held
helicaladj USA: he'lɪ·kʌ·l UK: helɪkəl
helicopterv intrans v USA: he'lɪ·kɔ"ptəː· UK: helɪkɔptər
helicopterv trans v USA: he'lɪ·kɔ"ptəː· UK: helɪkɔptər
heliotropenoun USA: hiː'liː·ʌ·troʊ"p UK: hiːlɪətroʊp
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