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Csengus szótára

Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Csenge's vocabulary
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matches in the
hew awayv trans v USA: hyuː' ʌ·weɪ' UK: hjuː əweɪ
hew downv trans v USA: hyuː' daʊ'n UK: hjuː daʊn
hewernoun USA: hyuː'əː· UK: hjuːər
hexagonaladj USA: he·ksæ'gʌ·nʌ·l UK: heksægənl
by headexp USA: baɪ' he'd UK: baɪ hed
compact headexp USA: kʌ·mpæ'kt he'd UK: kɔmpækt hed
cracked headexp USA: kræ'kt he'd UK: krækt hed
cylinder headnoun USA: sɪ'lʌ·ndəː· he'd UK: sɪlɪndər hed
distributor headnoun USA: dɪ"strɪ'byʌ·təː· he'd UK: dɪstrɪbjuːtər hed
flat-stopped head (cabbage)exp
compact headedexp USA: kʌ·mpæ'kt he'dʌ·d UK: kɔmpækt hedɪd
file headerexp USA: faɪ'l he'dəː· UK: faɪl hedər
dimmed headlightsexp USA: dɪ'md he'dlaɪ"ts UK: dɪmd hedlaɪts
dipped headlightsexp USA: dɪ'pt he'dlaɪ"ts UK: dɪpt hedlaɪts
banner headlinenoun USA: bæ'nəː· he'dlaɪ"n UK: bænər hedlaɪn
enjoy healthadj USA: ʌ·nʤɔɪ' he'lθ UK: ɪnʤɔɪ helθ
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