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Csengus szótára

Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Csenge's vocabulary
2 Words
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matches in the
heavingnoun USA: hiː'vɪ·ŋ UK: hiːvɪŋ
heavyadj USA: he'viː· UK: heviː
heavyadv USA: he'viː· UK: heviː
heavy arseexp UK: heviː ɑs
heavy artilleryexp USA: he'viː· ɔ·rtɪ'ləː·iː· UK: heviː ɑtɪləriː
heavy blowexp USA: he'viː· bloʊ' UK: heviː bloʊ
heavy cropsexp USA: he'viː· krɔ'ps UK: heviː krɔps
heavy dayexp USA: he'viː· deɪ' UK: heviː deɪ
heavy drinkerexp USA: he'viː· drɪ'ŋkəː· UK: heviː drɪŋkər
heavy dutyexp USA: he'viː· dyuː'tiː· UK: heviː djuːtiː
heavy foodexp USA: he'viː· fuː'd UK: heviː fuːd
heavy-handedadj USA: he'viː·hæ"ndʌ·d UK: heviːhændɪd
heavy-heartedadj UK: heviːhɑtɪd
heavysetnoun USA: he'viː·se"t UK: heviːset
heavyweightnoun USA: he'viː·weɪ"t UK: hevɪweɪt
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