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magyar-angol extra

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: angol-magyar extra
2 Words
2 Translations
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0 Expressions
matches in the
pigmyexp USA: pɪ'gmiː· UK: pɪgmiː
pigpennoun UK: pɪgpen
pigskinnoun USA: pɪ'gskɪ"n UK: pɪgskɪn
    1. informal
    2. informal sports
pigstickernoun UK: pɪgstɪkə
pigstickingnoun UK: pɪgstɪkɪŋ
pigswillnoun UK: pɪgswɪl
pigtailnoun UK: pɪgteɪl
pigwashnoun UK: pɪgwɔʃ
pigweednoun UK: pɪgwiːd
pikenoun USA: paɪ'k UK: paɪk
  1. regional US
  2. regional US
  3. regional US
pikenoun USA: paɪ'k UK: paɪk
pikemannoun UK: paɪkmæn
pikeman, pikemennoun UK: paɪkmæn paɪkmen
pikestaffnoun UK: paɪkstɑf
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