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Magyar-Török szótár

Hungarian-Turkish moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: ksenia
Reverse dictionary: Török-Magyar szótár
13 Words
14 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
377 matches in 2 dictionaries. Details
It's a matter of life and death.undef
It's a mercy!undef
It's a real shame with ... [Am.]undef
It's a red rag to him.undef
It's as clear as daylight that ...undef
It's a shame!undef
It's bad manners.undef
It's been going on for three months now.undef
It's better to live rich, than to die rich.undef
It's beyond her grasp.undef
It's blowing a gale.undef
It's carrying things too far.undef
It's clear as daylight.undef
It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.undef
It's do or die now.undef
It's due to him.undef
It's easier to forgive than forget.undef
It's easy to be brave from a safe distance.undef
It's enough to drive you up the wall that ...undef
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