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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
second bestnoun USA: se'kʌ·n be'st UK: sɪkɔnd best
second bestadj USA: se'kʌ·n be'st UK: sɪkɔnd best
second classadj USA: se'kʌ·n klæ's UK: sɪkɔnd klɑs
second cousinexp USA: se'kʌ·n kʌ'zʌ·n UK: sɪkɔnd kʌzn
second cropexp USA: se'kʌ·n krɔ'p UK: sɪkɔnd krɔp
second floorexp USA: se'kʌ·n flɔː'r UK: sɪkɔnd flɔːr
second handexp USA: se'kʌ·n hæ'nd UK: sɪkɔnd hænd
second hand bookshopexp USA: se'kʌ·n hæ'nd bʊ'kʃɔ"p UK: sɪkɔnd hænd bʊkʃɔp
second / have - thoughtsexp USA: se'kʌ·n hæ'v θɔː'ts UK: sɪkɔnd hæv θɔːts
second helpingexp USA: se'kʌ·n he'lpɪ·ŋ UK: sɪkɔnd helpɪŋ
second lieutenantexp USA: se'kʌ·n luː·te'nʌ·nt UK: sɪkɔnd luːtenənt
second to noneexp USA: se'kʌ·n tʌ· nʌ'n UK: sɪkɔnd tuː noʊn
secondarynoun USA: se'kʌ·nde"riː· UK: sekəndriː
secondary averageexp USA: se'kʌ·nde"riː· æ'vrɪ·ʤ UK: sekəndriː ævərɪʤ
secondary educationexp USA: se'kʌ·nde"riː· e"ʤyuː·keɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: sekəndriː eʤʊkeɪʃn
secondary keyexp USA: se'kʌ·nde"riː· kiː' UK: sekəndriː kiː
secondary productexp USA: se'kʌ·nde"riː· prɔ'dʌ·kt UK: sekəndriː prɔdʌkt
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