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Hungarian-French dictionary

Hungarian-French open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: French-Hungarian dictionary
33991 Words
61708 Translations
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0 Expressions
473 matches in 18 dictionaries.
butcher'snoun USA: bʊ'tʃəː·z UK: bʊtʃəz
butcher's meatexp USA: bʊ'tʃəː·z miː't UK: bʊtʃəz miːt
butcherynoun USA: bʊ'tʃəː·iː· UK: bʊtʃəriː
but for himexp USA: bʌ't frəː· ɪ"m UK: bət fəː hɪm
butlernoun USA: bʌ'tləː· UK: bʌtlər
but me no butsexp USA: bʌ't miː' noʊ' bʌ'ts
but me no buts!exp USA: bʌ't miː' noʊ' bʌ'ts
buttnoun USA: bʌ't UK: bʌt
buttnoun USA: bʌ't UK: bʌt
buttv trans v USA: bʌ't UK: bʌt
buttv intrans v USA: bʌ't UK: bʌt
butternoun USA: bʌ'təː· UK: bʌtər
butterv trans v USA: bʌ'təː· UK: bʌtər
buttercupnoun USA: bʌ'təː·kʌ"p UK: bʌtəkʌp
butteredv USA: bʌ'təː·d UK: bʌtəd
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