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Lithuanian-Hungarian Dictionary of Catholic Terms

Lithuanian-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: fobq
18 Words
19 Translations
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0 Expressions
matches in the
an autographed copyexp USA: ʌ·n ɔː'tʌ·græ"ft kɔ'piː· UK: ən ɔːtəgrɑft kɔpiː
a true copyexp USA: eɪ' truː' kɔ'piː· UK: eɪ truː kɔpiː
formatting while copyingexp UK: fəmætɪŋ waɪl kɔpɪɪŋ
now you must cope with things aloneexp USA: naʊ' yuː' mʌ'st koʊ'p wʌ·ð θɪ'ŋz ʌ·loʊ'n UK: naʊ juː mʌst koʊp wɪð θɪŋz əloʊn
this would make good copyexp USA: ðʌ·s wʊ'd meɪ'k gʌ·d kɔ'piː· UK: ðɪs wʊd meɪk gʊd kɔpiː
Reality is for people who cannot cope with science fiction.exp USA: riː·æ'lʌ·tiː· ʌ·z frəː· piː'pʌ·l huː' kʌ·nɔ't koʊ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'ʌ·ns fɪ'kʃʌ·n UK: rɪælɪtiː ɪz fəː piːpl huː kænət koʊp wɪð saɪəns fɪkʃn
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