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Lithuanian-Hungarian Dictionary of Catholic Terms

Lithuanian-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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18 Words
19 Translations
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345 matches in 18 dictionaries.
dim-outnoun UK: dɪmaʊt
dim outexp USA: dɪ'm aʊ't UK: dɪm aʊt
dimplev trans v USA: dɪ'mpʌ·l UK: dɪmpl
dimplev intrans v USA: dɪ'mpʌ·l UK: dɪmpl
dimpledv USA: dɪ'mpʌ·ld UK: dɪmpld
dimplesnoun UK: dɪmplz
dim soundexp USA: dɪ'm saʊ'nd UK: dɪm saʊnd
dim the headlightsexp USA: dɪ'm ðiː· he'dlaɪ"ts UK: dɪm ðiː hedlaɪts
dimwitnoun UK: dɪmwɪt
grow dimexp USA: groʊ' dɪ'm UK: groʊ dɪm
linear dimensionexp USA: lɪ'niː·əː· dɪ"me'nʃʌ·n UK: lɪnɪər dɪmenʃn
of great dimensionsadj USA: ʌ·v greɪ't dɪ"me'nʃʌ·nz UK: ɔv greɪt dɪmenʃnz
take a dim view ofexp USA: teɪ'k eɪ' dɪ'm vyuː' ʌ·v UK: teɪk eɪ dɪm vjuː ɔv
golf ball (w. 336 dimples)exp
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