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Polish-Hungarian dictionary

Polish-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Polish dictionary
17057 Words
20184 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
470 matches in 16 dictionaries.
interkontinentális rakéta
irányított rakéta
édesvízi rákf
rakenoun USA: reɪ'k UK: reɪk
rakenoun USA: reɪ'k UK: reɪk
rakenoun USA: reɪ'k UK: reɪk
rakenoun USA: reɪ'k UK: reɪk
rakev intrans v USA: reɪ'k UK: reɪk
rakev trans v USA: reɪ'k UK: reɪk
rakev intrans v USA: reɪ'k UK: reɪk
rake awayv trans v USA: reɪ'k ʌ·weɪ' UK: reɪk əweɪ
rakehelladj UK: reɪkhel
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