matches in the
leave aboutv trans v USA: liː'v ʌ·baʊ't UK: liːv əbaʊt
lie aboutv intrans v USA: laɪ' ʌ·baʊ't UK: laɪ əbaʊt
loaf aboutv USA: loʊ'f ʌ·baʊ't UK: loʊf əbaʊt
loll aboutexp USA: lɔ'l ʌ·baʊ't UK: lɔl əbaʊt
mess aboutv intrans v USA: me's ʌ·baʊ't UK: mes əbaʊt
  1. informal
mooch aboutv UK: muːtʃ əbaʊt
move aboutv USA: muː'v ʌ·baʊ't UK: muːv əbaʊt
muck aboutexp USA: mʌ'k ʌ·baʊ't UK: mʌk əbaʊt
nose aboutv intrans v USA: noʊ'z ʌ·baʊ't UK: noʊz əbaʊt
order aboutv trans v USA: ɔː'rdəː· ʌ·baʊ't UK: ɔːdər əbaʊt
potter aboutv intrans v USA: pɔ'təː· ʌ·baʊ't UK: pɔtər əbaʊt
pull aboutv trans v USA: pʊ'l ʌ·baʊ't UK: pʊl əbaʊt
put aboutv trans v USA: pʊ't ʌ·baʊ't UK: pʊt əbaʊt
puzzle aboutexp USA: pʌ'zʌ·l ʌ·baʊ't UK: pʌzl əbaʊt
race aboutv trans v USA: reɪ's ʌ·baʊ't UK: reɪs əbaʊt
roll aboutv intrans v USA: roʊ'l ʌ·baʊ't UK: roʊl əbaʊt
roll aboutv trans v USA: roʊ'l ʌ·baʊ't UK: roʊl əbaʊt
round aboutadv USA: raʊ'nd ʌ·baʊ't UK: raʊnd əbaʊt
round aboutprep USA: raʊ'nd ʌ·baʊ't UK: raʊnd əbaʊt
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