matches in the
i'm fullexp USA: ɪ'm fʊ'l
i'm game!exp USA: ɪ'm geɪ'm
i'm half through this bookexp USA: ɪ'm hæ'f θruː' ðʌ·s bʊ'k
i'm happy to see youexp USA: ɪ'm hæ'piː· tʌ· siː' yuː'
i'm horribly sorryexp USA: ɪ'm hɔː'rʌ·bliː· sɔ'riː·
i'm hotexp USA: ɪ'm hɔ't
i'm in no laughing moodexp USA: ɪ'm ɪ'n noʊ' læ'fɪ·ŋ muː'd
I'm just kidding!exp USA: ɪ'm ʤʌ·st kɪ'dɪ·ŋ
i'm lateexp USA: ɪ'm leɪ't
i'm none the wiser for itexp USA: ɪ'm nʌ'n ðiː· waɪ'zəː· frəː· ʌ·t
i'm not much of a dancerexp USA: ɪ'm nɔ't mʌ'tʃ ʌ·v eɪ' dæ'nsəː·
i'm offexp USA: ɪ'm ɔː'f
i'm off my feedexp USA: ɪ'm ɔː'f maɪ' fiː'd
i'm on my own todayexp USA: ɪ'm ɔ'n maɪ' oʊ'n tuː·deɪ'
i'm pally with himexp
i'm rather pushedexp USA: ɪ'm rʌ'ðəː· pʊ'ʃt
i'm rather pushed todayexp USA: ɪ'm rʌ'ðəː· pʊ'ʃt tuː·deɪ'
i'm shy three quidexp USA: ɪ'm ʃaɪ' θriː' kwɪ'd
i'm sick of the whole shebangexp
i'm sorryexp USA: ɪ'm sɔ'riː·
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