matches in the
soft snapexp USA: sɔ'ft snæ'p UK: sɔft snæp
soft soapnoun USA: sɔ'ft soʊ'p UK: sɔft soʊp
soft soldernoun USA: sɔ'ft sɔ'dəː· UK: sɔft sɔldər
softboiled eggexp
soft-boiled eggexp
soft-boiled eggsexp
softenv intrans v USA: sɔː'fʌ·n UK: sɔfn
softenedv USA: sɔː'fʌ·nd UK: sɔfnd
softeningnoun USA: sɔː'fnɪ·ŋ UK: sɔfnɪŋ
softeningnoun USA: sɔː'fnɪ·ŋ UK: sɔfnɪŋ
softh ironexp
soft-heartedadj UK: sɔfthɑtɪd
softishadj UK: sɔftɪʃ
softlyadv USA: sɔː'fliː· UK: sɔftliː
softnessnoun USA: sɔː'fnʌ·s UK: sɔftnəs
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