matches in the
it makes him see redexp USA: ʌ·t meɪ'ks ɪ"m siː' re'd UK: ɪt meɪks hɪm siː red
it makes no senseexp USA: ʌ·t meɪ'ks noʊ' se'ns UK: ɪt meɪks noʊ sens
it does not make senseexp USA: ʌ·t dʌ·z nɔ't meɪ'k se'ns UK: ɪt doʊz nɔt meɪk sens
it doesn't make senseexp
sense / it makes -exp USA: se'ns ʌ·t meɪ'ks UK: sens ɪt meɪks
indexed sequential access methodexp USA: ɪ'nde·kst sʌ·kwe'ntʃʌ·l æ'kse"s me'θʌ·d UK: ɪndekst sɪkwenʃl ækses meθəd
sg is preying on his mindexp
have a misconceived idea of sgexp
merge into sgv
one's mind is on sgexp
be merged into sgv
i shall manage itexp USA: aɪ' ʃæ'l mæ'nʌ·ʤ ʌ·t UK: aɪ ʃæl mænɪʤ ɪt
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