matches in the
in the meantimeexp USA: ɪ'n ðiː· miː'ntaɪ"m UK: ɪn ðiː miːntaɪm
in the meantimeadv USA: ɪ'n ðiː· miː'ntaɪ"m UK: ɪn ðiː miːntaɪm
in the mental sphereexp USA: ɪ'n ðiː· me'ntʌ·l sfɪ'r UK: ɪn ðiː mentl sfɪər
in the meanwhileadv USA: ɪ'n ðiː· miː'nwaɪ"l UK: ɪn ðiː miːnwaɪl
in the face of all menexp USA: ɪ'n ðiː· feɪ's ʌ·v ɔː'l me'n UK: ɪn ðiː feɪs ɔv ɔːl men
in the heat of the momentexp USA: ɪ'n ðiː· hiː't ʌ·v ðiː· moʊ'mʌ·nt UK: ɪn ðiː hiːt ɔv ðiː moʊmənt
it gives me the bluesexp USA: ʌ·t gɪ'vz miː' ðiː· bluː'z UK: ɪt gɪvz miː ðiː bluːz
it must be the doctorexp USA: ʌ·t mʌ'st biː· ðiː· dɔ'ktəː· UK: ɪt mʌst biː ðiː dɔktər
he hit me bang in the eyeexp USA: hiː' hɪ't miː' bæ'ŋ ɪ'n ðiː· aɪ' UK: hiː hɪt miː bæŋ ɪn ðiː aɪ
go into the melting-potexp
have a say in the matterexp USA: hæ'v eɪ' seɪ' ɪ'n ðiː· mæ'təː· UK: hæv eɪ seɪ ɪn ðiː mætər
have many irons in the fireexp USA: hæ'v me'niː· aɪ'əː·nz ɪ'n ðiː· faɪ'r UK: hæv meniː aɪənz ɪn ðiː faɪər
middle / in the -adv USA: mɪ'dʌ·l ɪ'n ðiː· UK: mɪdl ɪn ðiː
middle / in the - of sthexp
look a gift horse in the mouthexp USA: lʊ'k eɪ' gɪ'ft hɔː'rs ɪ'n ðiː· maʊ'θ UK: lʊk eɪ gɪft hɔːs ɪn ðiː maʊθ
look me in the eyesexp USA: lʊ'k miː' ɪ'n ðiː· aɪ'z UK: lʊk miː ɪn ðiː aɪz
man in the streetexp USA: mæ'n ɪ'n ðiː· striː't UK: mæn ɪn ðiː striːt
never look a gift-horse in the mouthexp
slam jam in the middle of sgexp
the man in the streetexp USA: ðiː· mæ'n ɪ'n ðiː· striː't UK: ðiː mæn ɪn ðiː striːt
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