matches in the
public school (usa)exp USA: pʌ'blɪ·k skuː'l yuː'e'seɪ'
school / public - (usa)exp USA: skuː'l pʌ'blɪ·k yuː'e'seɪ'
soap opera (usa)exp USA: soʊ'p ɔ'prʌ· yuː'e'seɪ'
it's no use crying over spilt milkexp USA: ʌ·ts noʊ' yuː'z kraɪ'ɪ·ŋ oʊ'vəː· spɪ'lt mɪ'lk UK: ɪts noʊ juːz kraɪɪŋ oʊvər spɪlt mɪlk
be of use for sgv
make extensive use of sgv
this idea struck usexp USA: ðʌ·s aɪ·diː'ʌ· strʌ'k yuː'e's UK: ðɪs aɪdɪə strʌk ʌz
same / the - as usual.exp USA: seɪ'm ðiː· e'z yuː'ʒuː·ʌ·l UK: seɪm ðiː əz juːʒʊəl
spareparts exposed to heavy duty useexp
his service was repaid with usuryexp USA: hʌ·z səː'vʌ·s wʌ·z riː·peɪ'd wʌ·ð yuː'zəː·iː· UK: hɪz səːvɪs wɔz riːpeɪd wɪð juːʒəriː
spare parts exposed to heavy duty useexp USA: spe'r pɔ'rts ɪ·kspoʊ'zd tʌ· he'viː· dyuː'tiː· yuː'z UK: speər pɑts ɪkspoʊzd tuː heviː djuːtiː juːz
stomachic ulcerexp UK: stəmækɪk ʌlsər
stumpy umbrellaexp UK: stʌmpiː ʌmbrelə
umbrella standnoun USA: ʌ'mbre"lʌ· stæ'nd UK: ʌmbrelə stænd
have umpteen reasons for doing sgexp
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