matches in the
stop upv trans v USA: stɔ'p ʌ'p UK: stɔp ʌp
summon up all one's strengthexp USA: sʌ'mʌ·n ʌ'p ɔː'l wʌ'nz stre'ŋθ UK: sʌmən ʌp ɔːl wʌnz streŋθ
summing upexp USA: sʌ'mɪ·ŋ ʌ'p UK: sʌmɪŋ ʌp
sunny-side upexp USA: sʌ'niː·saɪ"d ʌ'p UK: sʌniːsaɪd ʌp
sum upv trans v USA: sʌ'm ʌ'p UK: sʌm ʌp
sum up the situationexp USA: sʌ'm ʌ'p ðiː· sɪ"tʃuː·eɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: sʌm ʌp ðiː sɪtʃʊeɪʃn
sum upv trans v USA: sʌ'm ʌ'p UK: sʌm ʌp
sum up of sgv
suck sg upv
strike upv trans v USA: straɪ'k ʌ'p UK: straɪk ʌp
strike upv intrans v USA: straɪ'k ʌ'p UK: straɪk ʌp
string upv trans v USA: strɪ'ŋ ʌ'p UK: strɪŋ ʌp
stuck upv USA: stʌ'k ʌ'p UK: stʌk ʌp
stub upv trans v USA: stʌ'b ʌ'p UK: stʌb ʌp
stump upv trans v USA: stʌ'mp ʌ'p UK: stʌmp ʌp
stump upv intrans v USA: stʌ'mp ʌ'p UK: stʌmp ʌp
  1. informal
sweep upv trans v USA: swiː'p ʌ'p UK: swiːp ʌp
split upv intrans v USA: splɪ't ʌ'p UK: splɪt ʌp
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