matches in the
intrude upon syv USA: ɪ"ntruː'd ʌ·pɔ'n saɪ'
fawn upon syv USA: fɔː'n ʌ·pɔ'n saɪ'
front upon sgv
pass a sentence upon syv USA: pæ's eɪ' se'ntʌ·ns ʌ·pɔ'n saɪ'
be centred upon sgv
be contingent upon sgv
be lost upon syv USA: biː· lɔː'st ʌ·pɔ'n saɪ'
be in attendance upon syv USA: biː· ɪ'n ʌ·te'ndʌ·ns ʌ·pɔ'n saɪ'
be set upon sgv
be forced upon sgv
set uponv intrans v USA: se't ʌ·pɔ'n UK: set əpɔn
stand uponv intrans v USA: stæ'nd ʌ·pɔ'n UK: stænd əpɔn
gain the upper hand of syv USA: geɪ'n ðiː· ʌ'pəː· hæ'nd ʌ·v saɪ'
shave the upper lipexp USA: ʃeɪ'v ðiː· ʌ'pəː· lɪ'p UK: ʃeɪv ðiː ʌpər lɪp
get the upper hand of syv USA: gɪ't ðiː· ʌ'pəː· hæ'nd ʌ·v saɪ'
keep a stiff upper lipexp USA: kiː'p eɪ' stɪ'f ʌ'pəː· lɪ'p UK: kiːp eɪ stɪf ʌpər lɪp
upper schoolexp USA: ʌ'pəː· skuː'l UK: ʌpər skuːl
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