matches in the
problem still undealt withexp
square up with syv USA: skwe'r ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
shack up with syv USA: ʃæ'k ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
put up with sthexp
hook up with syv USA: hʊ'k ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
keep up with sgv
line up with syv USA: laɪ'n ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
make it up with syv USA: meɪ'k ʌ·t ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
tie up with sgv
team up with syv USA: tiː'm ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
take up with syv USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
double up with syv USA: dʌ'bʌ·l ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
fix sy up with a jobv USA: fɪ'ks saɪ' ʌ'p wʌ·ð eɪ' ʤoʊ'b
pull up with syv USA: pʊ'l ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
pick up with syv USA: pɪ'k ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
play up with syv USA: pleɪ' ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
pal up with syv USA: pæ'l ʌ'p wʌ·ð saɪ'
act in unison with syv USA: æ'kt ɪ'n yuː'nʌ·sʌ·n wʌ·ð saɪ'
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