matches in the
cork sy upv USA: kɔː'rk saɪ' ʌ'p
coop up syv USA: kuː'p ʌ'p saɪ'
chat sy upv USA: tʃæ't saɪ' ʌ'p
brace sy upv USA: breɪ's saɪ' ʌ'p
blunder up sgv
catch sy upv USA: kæ'tʃ saɪ' ʌ'p
be up to the eyes in sgv
be up to some hanky-pankyv
bring sb upexp
bring sth up against sbexp
buck sy upv USA: bʌ'k saɪ' ʌ'p
bugger sg upv
butter sy upv USA: bʌ'təː· saɪ' ʌ'p
button / do up the -sv USA: bʌ'tʌ·n duː' ʌ'p ðiː· e's
creep up on syexp USA: kriː'p ʌ'p ɔ'n saɪ'
cuddle up to syv USA: kʌ'dʌ·l ʌ'p tʌ· saɪ'
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