matches in the
a big potexp USA: eɪ' bɪ'g pɔ't UK: eɪ bɪg pɔt
blank billexp USA: blæ'ŋk bɪ'l UK: blæŋk bɪl
hotel billnoun USA: hoʊ·te'l bɪ'l UK: hoʊtel bɪl
house billnoun USA: haʊ's bɪ'l UK: haʊz bɪl
laundry billnoun USA: lɔː'ndriː· bɪ'l UK: lɔːndriː bɪl
renewal billnoun USA: rʌ·nuː'ʌ·l bɪ'l UK: rɪnjuːəl bɪl
the bill, please!exp USA: ðiː· bɪ'l pliː'z UK: ðiː bɪl pliːz
the bill, please!exp USA: ðiː· bɪ'l pliː'z UK: ðiː bɪl pliːz
the bill's settledexp USA: ðiː· bɪ'lz se'tʌ·ld UK: ðiː bɪlz setld
like billy-ohadv
bread binexp USA: bre'd bɪ'n UK: bred bɪn
litter binnoun USA: lɪ'təː· bɪ'n UK: lɪtər bɪn
loony binexp USA: luː'niː· bɪ'n UK: luːniː bɪn
pedal binexp USA: pe'dʌ·l bɪ'n UK: pedl bɪn
refuse binnoun USA: re'fyuː"z bɪ'n UK: rɪfjuːz bɪn
rubbish binexp USA: rʌ'bɪ·ʃ bɪ'n UK: rʌbɪʃ bɪn
cloth bindingexp USA: klɔː'θ baɪ'ndɪ·ŋ UK: klɔθ baɪndɪŋ
legally bindingexp USA: liː'gʌ·liː· baɪ'ndɪ·ŋ UK: liːgəliː baɪndɪŋ
monastic bindingexp USA: mʌ·næ'stɪ·k baɪ'ndɪ·ŋ UK: mənæstɪk baɪndɪŋ
novelized biographyexp
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