matches in the
loose handwritingexp USA: luː's hæ'ndraɪ"tɪ·ŋ UK: luːs hændraɪtɪŋ
loose headedexp USA: luː's he'dʌ·d UK: luːs hedɪd
loose iceexp USA: luː's aɪ's UK: luːs aɪs
loose leafexp USA: luː's liː'f UK: luːs liːf
loose lifenoun USA: luː's laɪ'f UK: luːs laɪf
loose liverexp USA: luː's lɪ'vəː· UK: luːs lɪvər
loose livingnoun USA: luː's lɪ'vɪ·ŋ UK: luːs lɪvɪŋ
looselyadv USA: luː'sliː· UK: luːsliː
loosenv trans v USA: luː'sʌ·n UK: luːsn
loosenv intrans v USA: luː'sʌ·n UK: luːsn
loosenessnoun UK: luːsnes
lootnoun USA: luː't UK: luːt
lootv intrans v USA: luː't UK: luːt
lootv trans v USA: luː't UK: luːt
looternoun USA: luː'təː· UK: luːtər
lootingnoun USA: luː'tɪ·ŋ UK: luːtɪŋ
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