matches in the
morning after the night beforenoun USA: mɔː'rnɪ·ŋ æ'ftəː· ðiː· naɪ't biː"fɔː'r UK: mɔːnɪŋ ɑftər ðiː naɪt bɪfɔːr
morning after the night beforeexp USA: mɔː'rnɪ·ŋ æ'ftəː· ðiː· naɪ't biː"fɔː'r UK: mɔːnɪŋ ɑftər ðiː naɪt bɪfɔːr
one after the otherexp USA: hwʌ'n æ'ftəː· ðiː· ʌ'ðəː· UK: wʌn ɑftər ðiː ʌðər
half after threeexp USA: hæ'f æ'ftəː· θriː' UK: hɑf ɑftər θriː
half after twoexp USA: hæ'f æ'ftəː· tuː' UK: hɑf ɑftər tuː
in after yearsexp USA: ɪ'n æ'ftəː· yəː·z UK: ɪn ɑftər jəːz
look after yourselfexp USA: lʊ'k æ'ftəː· yɔː'rse·lf UK: lʊk ɑftər jɔːself
good afternoonexp USA: gʌ·d æ"ftəː·nuː'n UK: gʊd ɑftənuːn
good afternoon!exp USA: gʌ·d æ"ftəː·nuː'n UK: gʊd ɑftənuːn
shortly afterwardsexp USA: ʃɔː'rtliː· æ'ftəː·wəː·dz UK: ʃɔːtliː ɑftəwədz
for months afterexp USA: frəː· mʌ'nθs æ'ftəː· UK: fəː mʌnθs ɑftər
make inquiries afterexp USA: meɪ'k ɪ'nkwəː·iː·z æ'ftəː· UK: meɪk ɪnkwaɪərɪz ɑftər
much sought afterexp USA: mʌ'tʃ sɔː't æ'ftəː· UK: mʌtʃ sɔːt ɑftər
the morning afterexp USA: ðiː· mɔː'rnɪ·ŋ æ'ftəː· UK: ðiː mɔːnɪŋ ɑftər
two days afterexp USA: tuː' deɪ'z æ'ftəː· UK: tuː deɪz ɑftər
he takes after his fatherexp USA: hiː' teɪ'ks æ'ftəː· hʌ·z fɔ'ðəː· UK: hiː teɪks ɑftər hɪz fɑðər
be mad after onexp USA: biː· mæ'd æ'ftəː· ɔ'n UK: biː mæd ɑftər ɔn
be out after sgv
pick up after someonev USA: pɪ'k ʌ'p æ'ftəː· sʌ'mwʌ"n UK: pɪk ʌp ɑftər sʌmwʌn
the morning after the night beforeexp USA: ðiː· mɔː'rnɪ·ŋ æ'ftəː· ðiː· naɪ't biː"fɔː'r UK: ðiː mɔːnɪŋ ɑftər ðiː naɪt bɪfɔːr
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