attitudenoun USA: æ'tʌ·tuː"d UK: ætɪtjuːd
    1. There was grace and mystery in her attitude as if she were a symbol of something.
        1. Báj és titok áradt a tartásából, mintha valaminek a szimbóluma lenne.
    1. In what attitude did Zenobia present herself to Hollingsworth?
        1. Milyen magatartást tanúsított Zenobia Hollingsworth iránt?
    2. In his attitude to her there was a shade of vexation, but nothing more.
        1. A bosszúság árnya volt a viselkedésében, de semmi több.
  1. aviat
    1. If he were a painter he would paint her in that attitude.
        1. Ha festő lenne, ebben a helyzetben festené meg.
    1. It's often difficult to change people's attitudes.
        1. Sokszor nehéz megváltoztatni az emberek hozzáállását.
    2. He takes the attitude that all children should do some sport just for fun.
        1. Azon az állásponton van, hogy minden gyereknek kellene sportolnia a mozgás öröméért.
attitude of mindexp USA: æ'tʌ·tuː"d ʌ·v maɪ'nd UK: ætɪtjuːd ɔv maɪnd
attitude to lifenoun USA: æ'tʌ·tuː"d tʌ· laɪ'f UK: ætɪtjuːd tuː laɪf
attitude to lifeexp USA: æ'tʌ·tuː"d tʌ· laɪ'f UK: ætɪtjuːd tuː laɪf
positive attitudeexp USA: pɔ'zʌ·tɪ·v æ'tʌ·tuː"d UK: pɔzətɪv ætɪtjuːd
strike an attitudeexp USA: straɪ'k ʌ·n æ'tʌ·tuː"d UK: straɪk ən ætɪtjuːd
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