30 matches in 6 dictionaries. Details
boomnoun USA: buː'm UK: buːm
boomnoun USA: buː'm UK: buːm
boomnoun USA: buː'm UK: buːm
boom and bustexp USA: buː'm ʌ·nd bʌ'st UK: buːm ənd bʌst
boomerangnoun USA: buː'məː·æ"ŋ UK: buːməræŋ
boomingadj USA: buː'mɪ·ŋ UK: buːmɪŋ
boom jibnoun USA: buː'm ʤɪ'b UK: buːm ʤɪb
refuelling boomexp UK: riːfjuːəlɪŋ buːm
sonic boomexp USA: sɔ'nɪ·k buː'm UK: sɔnɪk buːm
impact boomundef
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