matches in the
downv intrans v USA: daʊ'n UK: daʊn
downv trans v USA: daʊ'n UK: daʊn
downadj USA: daʊ'n UK: daʊn
downadv USA: daʊ'n UK: daʊn
downprep USA: daʊ'n UK: daʊn
down belowexp USA: daʊ'n biː·loʊ' UK: daʊn bɪloʊ
down bow!exp USA: daʊ'n boʊ' UK: daʊn boʊ
down-beatnoun USA: daʊ·nbiː't UK: daʊnbiːt
downcastadj USA: daʊ'nkæ"st UK: daʊnkɑst
downfallnoun USA: daʊ'nfɔː"l UK: daʊnfɔːl
down-gradenoun USA: daʊ'ngreɪ·d UK: daʊngreɪd
down-heartedadj UK: daʊnhɑtɪd
downheartedadj UK: daʊnhɑtɪd
downhillnoun USA: daʊ'nhɪ·l UK: daʊnhɪl
downhilladj USA: daʊ'nhɪ·l UK: daʊnhɪl
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