matches in the
donornoun USA: doʊ'nəː· UK: doʊnər
don't be angry!exp
don't botherexp
don't disturbexp
donutnoun USA: doʊ'nʌ"t
doodlenoun USA: duː'dʌ·l UK: duːdl
doodlev intrans v USA: duː'dʌ·l UK: duːdl
doodle bugnoun USA: duː'dʌ·l bʌ'g UK: duːdl bʌg
doodle bugexp USA: duː'dʌ·l bʌ'g UK: duːdl bʌg
doodlebugnoun UK: duːdlbʌg
doodlingv UK: duːdlɪŋ
doomv trans v USA: duː'm UK: duːm
doomedadj USA: duː'md UK: duːmd
doomsayernoun USA: duː"mseɪ'əː· UK: duːmseɪə
doomsdaynoun USA: duː'mzdeɪ" UK: duːmzdeɪ
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