matches in the
get on 2.exp
get on for (forty)v USA: gɪ't ɔ'n frəː· fɔː'rtiː· UK: get ɔn fəː fɔːtiː
get on in lifev USA: gɪ't ɔ'n ɪ'n laɪ'f UK: get ɔn ɪn laɪf
get on like a house on fireexp USA: gɪ't ɔ'n laɪ'k eɪ' haʊ's ɔ'n faɪ'r UK: get ɔn laɪk eɪ haʊz ɔn faɪər
get on my nervesexp USA: gɪ't ɔ'n maɪ' nəː'vz UK: get ɔn maɪ nəːvz
get on one's feetv USA: gɪ't ɔ'n wʌ'nz fiː't UK: get ɔn wʌnz fiːt
get on one's high horseexp USA: gɪ't ɔ'n wʌ'nz haɪ' hɔː'rs UK: get ɔn wʌnz haɪ hɔːs
get on one's nervesv USA: gɪ't ɔ'n wʌ'nz nəː'vz UK: get ɔn wʌnz nəːvz
get on one's nervesv USA: gɪ't ɔ'n wʌ'nz nəː'vz UK: get ɔn wʌnz nəːvz
get on sy's nervesv
get on the busexp USA: gɪ't ɔ'n ðiː· bʌ's UK: get ɔn ðiː bʌs
get on the gravy trainexp USA: gɪ't ɔ'n ðiː· greɪ'viː· treɪ'n UK: get ɔn ðiː greɪviː treɪn
get on the trainexp USA: gɪ't ɔ'n ðiː· treɪ'n UK: get ɔn ðiː treɪn
get on to syv USA: gɪ't ɔ'n tʌ· saɪ'
get on wellexp USA: gɪ't ɔ'n we'l UK: get ɔn wel
get on (well) with sbexp
get on (well) with sy.v USA: gɪ't ɔ'n we'l wʌ·ð saɪ'
get on with sthexp
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