matches in the
get sg for freev
get sg off one's handv
get sg through the customsv
get shirt offv USA: gɪ't ʃəː't ɔː'f UK: get ʃəːt ɔf
get soakedexp USA: gɪ't soʊ'kt UK: get soʊkt
get sorev USA: gɪ't sɔː'r UK: get sɔːr
get splicedexp USA: gɪ't splaɪ'st UK: get splaɪst
get square with syv USA: gɪ't skwe'r wʌ·ð saɪ'
get steamed upexp USA: gɪ't stiː'md ʌ'p UK: get stiːmd ʌp
get sth caught in the doorexp
get sth forwardexp
get sth into sthexp
get sth rightexp
get stoppedexp USA: gɪ't stɔ'pt UK: get stɔpt
get stopped upexp USA: gɪ't stɔ'pt ʌ'p UK: get stɔpt ʌp
get struck onexp USA: gɪ't strʌ'k ɔ'n UK: get strʌk ɔn
get stuckv USA: gɪ't stʌ'k UK: get stʌk
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