matches in the
get stuck inexp USA: gɪ't stʌ'k ɪ'n UK: get stʌk ɪn
get sunburntv UK: get sʌnbəːnt
get sy'adv USA: gɪ't saɪ'
get sy a big handv USA: gɪ't saɪ' eɪ' bɪ'g hæ'nd
get sy downv USA: gɪ't saɪ' daʊ'n
get sy homev USA: gɪ't saɪ' hoʊ'm
get sy roundv USA: gɪ't saɪ' raʊ'nd
get sy throughv USA: gɪ't saɪ' θruː'
get sy up on his earsv USA: gɪ't saɪ' ʌ'p ɔ'n hʌ·z iː'rz
get sy with childv USA: gɪ't saɪ' wʌ·ð tʃaɪ'ld
get sy's back upv
get sy's dander upv
get tangled upv USA: gɪ't tæ'ŋgʌ·ld ʌ'p UK: get tæŋgld ʌp
get tannedv USA: gɪ't tæ'nd UK: get tænd
get tapedv USA: gɪ't teɪ'pt UK: get teɪpt
get the best of syv USA: gɪ't ðiː· be'st ʌ·v saɪ'
get the better ofexp USA: gɪ't ðiː· be'təː· ʌ·v UK: get ðiː betər ɔv
get the better of somebodyexp USA: gɪ't ðiː· be'təː· ʌ·v sʌ'mbʌ·diː· UK: get ðiː betər ɔv sʌmbədiː
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