matches in the
get the wind upv USA: gɪ't ðiː· wɪ'nd ʌ'p UK: get ðiː wɪnd ʌp
get thee goneexp USA: gɪ't ðiː' gɔː'n UK: get ðiː gɔn
get thereexp USA: gɪ't ðe'r UK: get ðeər
get throughv intrans v USA: gɪ't θruː' UK: get θruː
get through sbexp
get through sth 1.exp
get through sth 2.exp
get through sth 4.exp
get through with sthexp
get throughtexp
get tightexp USA: gɪ't taɪ't UK: get taɪt
get timeexp USA: gɪ't taɪ'm UK: get taɪm
get tipsyexp USA: gɪ't tɪ'psiː· UK: get tɪpsiː
get tiredexp USA: gɪ't taɪ'əː·d UK: get taɪəd
get tired of sthv
get tov USA: gɪ't tʌ· UK: get tuː
get tov USA: gɪ't tʌ· UK: get tuː
get to businessexp USA: gɪ't tʌ· bɪ'znʌ·s UK: get tuː bɪznəs
get to first baseexp USA: gɪ't tʌ· fəː'st beɪ's UK: get tuː fəːst beɪs
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