matches in the
get to great lengthsexp USA: gɪ't tʌ· greɪ't le'ŋθs UK: get tuː greɪt leŋθs
get to knowv USA: gɪ't tʌ· noʊ' UK: get tuː noʊ
get to know syv USA: gɪ't tʌ· noʊ' saɪ'
get to likeexp USA: gɪ't tʌ· laɪ'k UK: get tuː laɪk
get to sgv
get to sleepv USA: gɪ't tʌ· sliː'p UK: get tuː sliːp
get to the bottomexp USA: gɪ't tʌ· ðiː· bɔ'tʌ·m UK: get tuː ðiː bɔtəm
get to the bottom of sgv
get togetherv trans v USA: gɪ't tʌ·ge'ðəː· UK: get təgeðər
get underv trans v USA: gɪ't ʌ'ndəː· UK: get ʌndər
get under controlv USA: gɪ't ʌ'ndəː· kʌ·ntroʊ'l UK: get ʌndər kəntroʊl
get under skinexp USA: gɪ't ʌ'ndəː· skɪ'n UK: get ʌndər skɪn
get under wayexp USA: gɪ't ʌ'ndəː· weɪ' UK: get ʌndər weɪ
get undressedv USA: gɪ't ʌ·ndre'st UK: get ʌndrest
get unused to sgexp
get up a subscriptionexp USA: gɪ't ʌ'p eɪ' sʌ·bskrɪ'pʃʌ·n UK: get ʌp eɪ səbskrɪpʃn
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