matches in the
get up lateexp USA: gɪ't ʌ'p leɪ't UK: get ʌp leɪt
get up tov USA: gɪ't ʌ'p tʌ· UK: get ʌp tuː
get used tov USA: gɪ't yuː'zd tʌ· UK: get juːzd tuː
get verify stateexp USA: gɪ't ve'rʌ·faɪ" steɪ't UK: get verɪfaɪ steɪt
get well!exp USA: gɪ't we'l UK: get wel
get wellexp USA: gɪ't we'l UK: get wel
get wetexp USA: gɪ't we't UK: get wet
get windexp USA: gɪ't wɪ'nd UK: get wɪnd
get wind ofv USA: gɪ't wɪ'nd ʌ·v UK: get wɪnd ɔv
get wise to a factexp USA: gɪ't waɪ'z tʌ· eɪ' fæ'kt UK: get waɪz tuː eɪ fækt
getawaynoun USA: ge'tʌ·weɪ" UK: getəweɪ
getsv USA: gɪ'ts UK: gets
getternoun USA: ge'təː· UK: getər
gettingnoun USA: gɪ'tɪ·ŋ UK: getɪŋ
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