matches in the
get into the habit of sgv
get into the swimv USA: gɪ't ɪ"ntʌ· ðiː· swɪ'm UK: get ɪntuː ðiː swɪm
get into the trainexp USA: gɪ't ɪ"ntʌ· ðiː· treɪ'n UK: get ɪntuː ðiː treɪn
get into troubleexp USA: gɪ't ɪ"ntʌ· trʌ'bʌ·l UK: get ɪntuː trʌbl
get involved in sgv
get it developedexp USA: gɪ't ʌ·t dɪ·ve'lʌ·pt UK: get ɪt dɪveləpt
get it hotv USA: gɪ't ʌ·t hɔ't UK: get ɪt hɔt
get it off one's chestexp USA: gɪ't ʌ·t ɔː'f wʌ'nz tʃe'st UK: get ɪt ɔf wʌnz tʃest
get it one's roadexp USA: gɪ't ʌ·t wʌ'nz roʊ'd UK: get ɪt wʌnz roʊd
get knowledge of sgv
get laughed atv USA: gɪ't læ'ft æ't UK: get lɑft ət
get lightexp USA: gɪ't laɪ't UK: get laɪt
get loosev USA: gɪ't luː's UK: get luːs
get lost!interj USA: gɪ't lɔː'st UK: get lɔst
get lostexp USA: gɪ't lɔː'st UK: get lɔst
get machine nameexp USA: gɪ't mɪ·ʃiː'n neɪ'm UK: get məʃiːn neɪm
get mad at syv USA: gɪ't mæ'd æ't saɪ'
get marriedexp USA: gɪ't me'riː·d UK: get mærɪd
get matey with syv USA: gɪ't meɪ'tiː· wʌ·ð saɪ'
get mixed upexp USA: gɪ't mɪ'kst ʌ'p UK: get mɪkst ʌp
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