matches in the
set at restexp USA: se't æ't re'st UK: set ət rest
take a restexp USA: teɪ'k eɪ' re'st UK: teɪk eɪ rest
may he rest in peaceexp USA: meɪ' hiː' re'st ɪ'n piː's UK: meɪ hiː rest ɪn piːs
backup and restore utilityexp USA: bæ'kʌ"p ʌ·nd rʌ·stɔː'r yuː·tɪ'lʌ·tiː· UK: bækʌp ənd rɪstɔːr juːtɪlɪtiː
lack of restrainnoun USA: læ'k ʌ·v riː·streɪ'n UK: læk ɔv rɪstreɪn
lack of restraintexp USA: læ'k ʌ·v riː·streɪ'nt UK: læk ɔv rɪstreɪnt
stranglehold of restrictionsexp USA: stræ'ŋgʌ·lhoʊ"ld ʌ·v riː·strɪ'kʃʌ·nz UK: stræŋglhoʊld ɔv rɪstrɪkʃnz
and all the restexp USA: ʌ·nd ɔː'l ðiː· re'st UK: ənd ɔːl ðiː rest
be laid to restexp USA: biː· leɪ'd tʌ· re'st UK: biː leɪd tuː rest
set mind at restv USA: se't maɪ'nd æ't re'st UK: set maɪnd ət rest
had a good night's restexp USA: hæ'd eɪ' gʌ·d naɪ'ts re'st UK: həd eɪ gʊd naɪts rest
set one's heart at restv USA: se't wʌ'nz hɔ'rt æ't re'st UK: set wʌnz hɑt ət rest
upscale (eg.: an upscale restaurant)adj
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