    1. terribly
      USA: te'rʌ·bliː· UK: terəbliː
    1. horribly
      USA: hɔː'rʌ·bliː· UK: hɔrəbliː
    1. hideously
      USA: hɪ'diː·ʌ·sliː· UK: hɪdɪəsliː
    1. fiendishly
      UK: fiːndɪʃliː
    1. bally
      USA: beɪ'liː· UK: bæliː
    1. informal awfully
      USA: ɔ'fʌ·liː· UK: ɔːfliː
rettenetesen fél tőleexp
    1. go in terror of
      USA: goʊ' ɪ'n te'rəː· ʌ·v UK: goʊ ɪn terər ɔv
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