sankv USA: sæ'ŋk UK: sæŋk
sankadj USA: sæ'ŋk UK: sæŋk
she sank bunk in the middle of the channelexp USA: ʃiː' sæ'ŋk bʌ'ŋk ɪ'n ðiː· mɪ'dʌ·l ʌ·v ðiː· tʃæ'nʌ·l UK: ʃiː sæŋk bʌŋk ɪn ðiː mɪdl ɔv ðiː tʃænl
sink , sank , sunk 2.v
my heart sankexp USA: maɪ' hɔ'rt sæ'ŋk UK: maɪ hɑt sæŋk
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